Robert Arnott. Healing and medicine in the Aegean Bronze Age

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Since the discovery of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations of Crete and the Greek mainland, a systematic understanding has been gained of their material culture and social structures. Nevertheless, because of the absence of textual and pictorial evidence of medicine

of the kind which exists in the contemporary societies

of Egypt and the Near East,

little work has been produced on the subject of disease and the practice of medicine in the period. However, new pathological evidence throws much light on this hitherto largely unknown aspect of their civilization.  

Библиографические данные:  Robert Arnott. Healing and medicine in the Aegean Bronze Age // Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 89, May 1996.

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Комментарий: Небольшая обзорная статья о врачевании и медицине в минойский и микенский периоды истории.
