Звезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активнаЗвезда не активна

6 stater of Mytilene with head of lion 480–430 B.C.
From Kyzikos with forepart of Kerberos 460–400 B.C.
Stater of Aegina Archaic Period about 535–525 B.C.
Stater of Byblos about 450–410 B.C.
Stater of Colchis about 480 B.C.
Stater of Colchis with reclining lioness about 480 B.C.
Stater of Corinth 400–350 B.C.
Stater of Dyrrachion about 340–280 B.C.
Stater of Elis 510–480 B.C.
Stater of Elis with eagle 480–440 B.C.
Stater of Elis with eagle and serpent 480–440 B.C.
Stater of Gortyna  420–400 B.C.
Stater of Gortyna with Europa in tree 431–300 B.C.
Stater of Gortyna with seated Europa 420–400 B.C.
Stater of Kamiros with fig leaf 500–408 B.C.
Stater of Kos with crab 600 B.C.
Stater of Kroton 500–480 B.C.
Stater of Lycia about 500–460 B.C.
Stater of Lycia about 520–480 B.C.
Stater of Metapontion 500–473 B.C.
Stater of Metapontion with seated Apollo about 430 B.C.
Stater of Neapolis 500–411 B.C.
Stater of Paros about 530–515 B.C
Stater of Phaistos 4th century B.C.
Stater of Phistelia with head of nymph 380–350 B.C.
Stater of Polyrhenion with head of Zeus about 330–280 B.C.
Stater of Poseidion with three dolphins and flower about 500 B.C.
Stater of Rhegion about 415 –387 B.C.
Stater of Side 5th century B.C.
Stater of Siphnos about 540–525 B.C
Stater of Teos 520–500 B.C.
Stater of Thebes with Boiotian shield 456–446 B.C.
Stater of Thera about 520–500 B.C.
Stater of Thespiai about 387–374 B.C.

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